Рулар Шежіресі

by Ikhsan Developers



Kazakhsha shezhіreni - oz ruy men khalkynyn genealogy son zhalғastyryp zhane saktau үshin shyғarғan. Kez-kelgen қazaқ өzі shyққan ruyn maktanyshpen ataydy. Zhetiata ұgymy - ata-babasynyn tіzbegin өz zhadynda saқtau kazhettіlіgі zhane ony kez-kelgen adam ұғynadi, biraқ ozіnіn tіkeley zhetі atasynyң barlyғy әr adamnyң estalmaқan. Kazaksha shezhireni zhuktep al, sebi urpaktarymyzga taratuymyz kerek. Shezhire is a genealogical genealogy of the Kazakhs and Kipchak peoples. As a rule, it is a written or oral listing of ancestors in a direct male line. A synonymous variant of shezhire is also common - Jeti-Ata. It is believed that knowledge of shezhire (or ones ancestors up to the seventh generation) is obligatory for every Kazakh. This avoids closely related marriages. The attitude of the Kazakhs to the shezhire is sacred. Many modern Kazakhs are trying to restore their roots and study their ancestry very seriously. According to ancient traditions, the Kazakh family is transmitted through the male line.